Tricky Way To Increase Facebook Followers

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Facebook Subscribers is now called Followers and this is one of the nice feature which notify your updates to those friends who are following you. Nowadays everyone wants to increase their followers, so I thought to post something which will help you to increase your followers but in tricky way. This trick is totally based upon another feature of Faceook which is known as List. Yes, list is another great feature which is also allowed us to keep our selected friends in a list and you will only get wall updates of those friends who are following that list.

Here in this post, we are going to guide you about TWO things : 

1) How to increase followers with the help of List. 
2) Free Followers Giveaway From OMG Tricks Just By Following Our List.

So let’s start with first topic, 

How to increase followers with the help of Lists :

List is one of the fastest way to increase quick followers because if owner of list will add you in his/her list then you will get full followers of list in your account within 36 hours.

Example : Suppose X is the owner of the list ABC which has 500 Followers, Now Y requested X to add him in his list ABC so if X will add him then Y will get 500 followers of ABC list within 36 hrs.

Quite cool na ? By using this method you can get unlimited followers within 36 hrs, its totally depend upon followers counting of list. so without wasting much time, follow below given steps and create your own list and start to increase followers by promoting it .

How To Create List :

  • Log in Facebook.
  • Click on Create List.
  • Now in next page, you can see some pages , following and friends option in right side. Select any option and add any of the friends or pages and finally click on Next.
  • OR you can search your specific page or friends name on top search bar then in result, select anyone as per your choice.
  • Finally name your list with any name and click on Done.
Done !! Your List is ready now.

Now your task is to promote it and increase followers.

2) Giveaway Of Free Followers from OMG Tricks :

You just have to follow some simple steps to get added in our list which currently have around 200 followers. But remember onne thing, as we mentioned above that more will follow our list, more followers will get so total number of your followers is totally depend followers list counting. Currently minimum 200 you are getting and it might cross 1000 within 2 weeks.


  •  Click on this Link and follow our list.
  • Like this post from end of this tutorial.
  • Join this site by clicking on Join This Site widget from Right hand side widgets. →→
Note : Those who are already joined our site can ignore this step.

Share this post in Facebook from below given share button.
Finally inbox me by clicking Here in Facebook along with your details. And don’t  use fake ids for these steps or unlike this post after gets added in our list else you will be disqualified and I will not add you in above given list.

Thus Like above given list and share it among your friends because more will follow, more followers you will get.

Note : Plz don’t think its a bogus trick and I am misguiding you all  by asking to follow my list. This is the only way to increase your subscribers fast.

Thanks for Visiting Us !!


  1. Reply
    Muhammad Hassam 17/11/2013 at 8:25 pm

    i followed the link. Now what?

    • Reply
      Ravi Mishra 13/12/2013 at 9:24 am

      Follow all steps and message e in facebook, my profile link is already given in post.

  2. Reply
    Abhishek Das 20/02/2014 at 4:38 pm

    Hai ravi, how can I add 'read full post' option in my blog(blogger). Please help me.

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