Trick To Use Two WhatsApp Accounts In One Mobile
Deal Score+1
Hey Readers, hope you all are doing great. Once again sorry for delay post, as I was busy in some of my personal works. Here I am back again with superb trick through which you can use WhatsApp accounts in one mobile. Best part of this trick is, you do not need any rooted phone.
Steps To Follow :
1. Install Official whatsapp from playstore and verify your 2nd number in it.
2. Chat with your 2-3 friends and then make a chat backup.
3. To make chat backup follow, WhatsApp > Setting > Chat Setting >Backup Chat.
4. After you have the backup, exit WhatsApp and the navigate to settings and clear all data & cache for WhatsApp.
5. Now Install the WhatsFapp (Modded whatsapp) on your phone from Here .
6. Open the WhatsFapp and again enter the same number that you have verified in Official WhatsApp.
The SMS verification step will be skipped and it will ask to Restore Chat, depending on your choice Restore it or not.
7. Read and follow the on screen instructions same as in Whatsapp.
8. Now Install Official WhatsApp again.
9. Now Enter your Main Number or 1st Number and verify it.
Now you can use 2 WhatsApp on same Smartphone at same time without Rooting and loosing your phone’s warranty.
Use whatsmapp then you can use dual whatsapp
Bro M using 4 whatsapp in onemobile.