Grab Free P&G Products Sample Worth Rs.400 From RewardMe
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RewardMe, one of the best site for free samples which providing sample of various P&G products from last two year. I am sure most of you guys already availed free samples from RewardMe, while most of you are not aware or might thinking that its fake. Personally I got lot of samples from RewardMe so still if you never tried this free sample site then follow below given steps and grab all freebies.
Steps To Follow :
1. Register RewardMe account from Here .
2. While registering, you need to care few things then only you will get free sample.
— a) Select Sex as Women & Date Of Birth around 26 years.
— b) Enter any of your female member name in name field.
3. Now enter all other required details & verify your mobile number.
4. Finally visit free sample offer page from Here .
5. Now you can see lot of free samples, just click on Add to Basket & add at least 3 products in cart.
6. Finally enter your shipping details.
* You will get your free sample within 2 weeks.
Enjoy Freebies & keep sharing this post with friends & relatives so that all can grab this awesome deal from RewardMe.
Thank you for reading this post, stay tuned with OMG Tricks for more freebies & loots.
What is shipping charge
Hi, Shipping is also free, you do not have to pay anything.