How To Post Audio Comment and Voice Message In Facebook
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Facebook is the most popular social networking site and used by millions of users daily around the world. On Facebook, you can update status, share contents, and upload pictures and videos, but can you also post voice comments and messages on Facebook? Well, that’s possible only if you are a Google Chrome user.
Chrome store has an extension called Talk and Comment and as the name indicates, it helps you in posting voice comments and messages to Facebook. You can easily install and setup this extension from chrome store. Once done, you can continue posting audio comments and voice messages to Facebook.
Steps To Follow :
1. Install Talk and Comment chrome extension from Here .
2. Once installed, click on Allow.
3. Now login to Facebook and authorize the application of Talk and Comment.
4. Finally refresh Facebook home page, then you can see Mic sign beside comment and in message box.
5. Click and hold mic icon until it turns Red.
6. Record your message and release Mic icon to upload the message.
7. Once uploaded, you will receive a link for your voice comment.
8. Just hit Enter to post it.
9. Now your friends can see play button if they are also using Talk and Comment extension.
Note : Everyone (according to your privacy setting) can hear your comment. If they have Talk and Comment installed then they will see a playable button else, they will see a link to your comment opening in new window with a play button.
Others can see comment with Talk and Comment link.
Hope you have liked this new trick of Facebook. Enjoy using voice comments in Facebook.