How To Check Balance Of Any BSNL Number

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Hey fellas !! Hope you guys are enjoying our tricks. Thanks for your support and visiting us daily . Now let’s come to the core part of this post, most of you are curious to check your friends or partners mobile balance. Well, its not possible in all operator but 100% possibly is there if your friend is using BSNL number.

Steps to Follow :

1. Visit BSNL recharge page from Here .

2. Now enter your friends or any other BSNL number .

3. On e-mail field, enter any random email address.

4. On next page, click on General top-up.

5. Once you click on General TopUp, you will be redirected to next page where you have to select recharge amount. select any amount and click on Submit.

6. Finally on next page, click on Get Balance to check balance of your friends number.

Done !! Enjoy & do share this post with friends.

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1 Comment
  1. Reply
    papu 19/08/2015 at 5:24 am

    Nice one…working perfectly

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