Amazing Gmail DOT Trick

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Hello Visitors, Most of us are using Gmail for E-Mail services and gmail is our favourite too. But did you notice something about “.” (DOT) feature of Gmail ?? . If yes, then try logging into your account without that DOT and if no, then try to add a DOT wherever you want and then login. You will be granted access to your account.

Can’t Understand ? Let me give you an Example.

Suppose there is an email account “” with password “abcd”.

Now If we login into Gmail account  with email “” or “” or “” and so on, we will get the same mailbox of “”. Isn’t that great ?

This means Gmail does not count periods.

The Trick : So now we understood that any mail that comes to any of the above emails will reach at “”. So this fact can be used to create different (multiple) id’s on twitter, ibibo, etc with the same Gmail Id.

We tested this with twitter and ibibo and the trick passed. With Facebook, the trick failed.


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